Q & A with College Consultant Namita Gupta
This is a recent Q & A with Knavigator's founder, Namita Gupta that we thought you might find interesting and helpful. QUESTION: Why do PARENTS reach out to Knavigators? ANSWER: The short answer is that we help them find the best-fit colleges for students and then guide the student through the application process. As an intermediary, we alleviate the significant stress and anxiety that the college admission process puts on the parent/child relationship. We provide a full analysis of schools and their programs and deliver the real story about schools - far more than what you will find on the school's website! Parents also like that we step in for the student as cheerleader, sounding board and that strong voice of accountability when deadlines need organized and met. The college selection and admission process is vastly different now from what it was when the parents themselves were students. The process has become complicated and highly competitive. Most students and families can [...]